…the vertebrate musculature are the visceral musculature and the somatic musculature (the striated muscles of the body wall). Somatic musculature may be divided into appendicular, or limb, muscles and axial muscles. The axial muscles include the muscles of the tail, trunk, and eyeballs as well as a group of muscles…
Superiorly, visceral fascia includes the pharyngobasilar and pharyngobuccal fascia and, as such, fuses to the cranial base surrounding the attachments of the superior constrictor muscles (Last 1978). Cervical visceral fascia extends inferiorly into the neck, surrounding the nasopharynx, oropharynx, and remaining cervical viscera.
…the vertebrate musculature are the visceral musculature and the somatic musculature (the striated muscles of the body wall). Somatic musculature may be divided into appendicular, or limb, muscles and axial muscles. The axial muscles include the muscles of the tail, trunk, and eyeballs as well as a group of muscles….
Visceral Muscles