Vulva Anatomy

This human anatomy diagram with labels depicts and explains the details and or parts of the Vulva Anatomy. Human anatomy diagrams and charts show internal organs, body systems, cells, conditions, sickness and symptoms information and/or tips to ensure one lives in good health.

Vulvar Anatomy. The outer and inner ‘lips’ of the vulva are called the labia majora and labia minora . The vestibule surrounds the opening of the vagina, or introitus, and the opening of the urethra, or urethral meatus. The perineum is the area extending from beneath the vulva to the anus.

Vulvar Anatomy. The vulva is the external part of the female genitalia. It protects a woman’s sexual organs, urinary opening, vestibule and vagina and is the center of much of a woman’s sexual response. The outer and inner ‘lips’ of the vulva are called the labia majora and labia minora . The vestibule surrounds the opening of the vagina,…

While vaginas are just one part of the vulva, many people say “vagina” when they really mean the vulva. But the vulva has a lot more going on than just the vagina. No 2 vulvas look exactly the same, but they’re made up of the same basic parts. Labia. The labia (lips) are folds of skin around your vaginal opening.

Vulva Anatomy

vulva anatomy