Anatomy Brain Nervous Fee Db Fa Ecffffclarge Image

Anatomy of the Brain The anatomy of the brain is complex due its intricate structure and function. This amazing organ acts as a control center by receiving, interpreting, and directing sensory information throughout the body. The brain and spinal cord are the two main structures of the central nervous system.

The anatomy of the brain is complex due its intricate structure and function. This amazing organ acts as a control center by receiving, interpreting, and directing sensory information throughout the body.

Limbic System Structures. Amygdala – involved in emotional responses, hormonal secretions, and memory. Cingulate Gyrus – a fold in the brain involved with sensory input concerning emotions and the regulation of aggressive behavior.

Anatomy Brain Nervous Fee Db Fa Ecffffclarge Image Diagram - Chart - diagrams and charts with labels. This diagram depicts Anatomy Brain Nervous Fee Db Fa Ecffffclarge Image

Anatomy Brain Nervous Fee Db Fa Ecffffclarge Image