Dental Braces Image

A macro shot of dental braces, (orthodontic braces) are a device used in orthodontics to align teeth and their position with Closing of gap with dental braces.

Braces are orthodontic devices that straighten crooked and misaligned teeth. When people think of orthodontics, this treatment is normally the first to come to mind. Dental braces are used for both aesthetic and functional reasons, not only to correct a patient’s smile but also to realign their jaw. Braces are available for people of all ages.

The most popular types of dental braces use brackets, which are small, square-shaped pieces of metal or ceramic. They are placed in the center of each tooth and are staggered depending on the patient’s needs and how their teeth are aligned. A metal archwire fits through the center of the brackets and applies ongoing pressure to the teeth.

Dental Braces Image Diagram - Chart - diagrams and charts with labels. This diagram depicts Dental Braces Image

Dental Braces Image