Reproductive Organs Although a woman’s external genitals are commonly referred to as the “vagina,” the vagina is actually one of several organs that comprise this section of a woman’s body. Collectively, these parts are called the vulva. Rich with nerves, the vulva can provide sexual pleasure when properly stimulated.
Reproductive Organs. The outer surfaces of the folds have darker-colored skin and stronger hairs, while the inner folds are smoother. The labia majora join to form the cleft shape of the female genitals. This is also known as the pudendal cleft or the cleft of Venus, after the Roman goddess of love.
The labia majora join to form the cleft shape of the female genitals. This is also known as the pudendal cleft or the cleft of Venus, after the Roman goddess of love. Between the labia majora are the labia minora, two folds of skin that also extend down from the clitoris and around the vaginal opening.
Pictures Of Female Reproductive Organs