The lumbar spine typically has a slight inward curve known as lordosis. The lower back region contains large muscles that support the back and allow for movement in the trunk of the body. These muscles can spasm or become strained, which is a common cause of lower back pain.
The lumbo-sacral spine includes: 1 Lumbar vertebrae: Numbered L1 through L5, these odd-shaped vertebrae signal the end of the typical bones of the spinal… 2 Sacrum: This triangle-shaped bone is made up of five fused vertebrae. It fits like a wedge into the back of the pelvis… 3 Coccyx: This small bone is better known as the tailbone. More …
Last Updated: Jul 16, 2019 The lumbar vertebrae consist of five individual cylindrical bones that form the spine in the lower back. These vertebrae carry all of the upper body’s weight while providing flexibility and movement to the trunk region.
Picture Lumbar Spine