Where Is Your Heart Located? Many people are surprised to learn that their heart location is in the center of their chest, not on the left-hand side. Your heart is found behind your breastbone (sternum) and is located between your lungs. The center of the heart is located slightly to the left of the mid-line of your body.
Many people are surprised to learn that their heart location is in the center of their chest, not on the left-hand side. Your heart is found behind your breastbone (sternum) and is located between your lungs. The center of the heart is located slightly to the left of the mid-line of your body. It is protected in a membrane called the pericardium.
It is approximately the size of a man’s fist (230-350 grams) and is shaped like an inverted cone. About two thirds of the heart’s mass is located to the left of the body’s midline. The narrow end of the heart, which is called the apex, is directed downward and to the left.
Heart Location In Body Image