Abstract. By comparison, patients with COPD are generally 50–80 yrs of age, and patients with COPD have a higher risk for lung cancer than heavy smokers with normal lung function [ 4 ]. Therefore, LDCT screening of COPD patients may be expected to achieve a higher lung cancer detection rate than detection by screening heavy smokers.
The presence of symptoms is not a reliable indicator of disease and diagnosis is often delayed until more severe airflow obstruction is present. Early diagnosis is worthwhile, as it allows risk factors for COPD such as smoking to be addressed promptly and treatment optimised.
Office spirometry significantly improves early detection of COPD in general practice: the DIDASCO Study. Chest 2004; 125: 1394–1399. . Lung cancer rates convergence in young men and women in the United States: analysis by birth cohort and histologic type.
Diagram Of Early Detection Copd Could Help Prevent Lung Cancer Image Diagram - Chart - diagrams and charts with labels. This diagram depicts Diagram Of Early Detection Copd Could Help Prevent Lung Cancer Image