Gastric Lymph Nodes: There are numerous gastric lymph node groups. They drain the stomach, upper duodenum, abdominal oesophagus and the greater omentum into the coeliac group. Hepatic Lymph Nodes: The hepatic nodes extend in the lesser omentum along the hepatic arteries and bile duct.
The lymph nodes in the chest wall are responsible for receiving drainage from the pectoral muscles, arms, and breasts. In the stomach According to Mayo Clinic, Lymphadenitis occurs when the nodes are inflamed.
It may be possible to biopsy lymph nodes at some abdominal locations under the guidance of ultrasound or CT scan. The doctor pass a fine needle to the area of the enlarged lymph nodes under local anaesthesia as the area is being monitored on a ultrasonography machine CT scan.
Stomach Lymphnodes Image