Ear Anatomy – Outer Ear. The medical term for the outer ear is the auricle or pinna. The outer ear is made up of cartilage and skin. There are three different parts to the outer ear; the tragus, helix and the lobule. EAR CANAL The ear canal starts at the outer ear and ends at the ear drum. The canal is approximately an inch in length.
It’s a hollow tube that curves slightly downward as it moves into the ear toward the tympanic membrane, or eardrum. The eardrum is the ending point of the outer ear and the beginning of the middle ear The outer ear lies directly next to the middle ear. Though mostly made of cartilage and skin, the outer ear arises from the temporal bone.
Within these structures lies the orifice known as the external acoustic meatus, which is the entrance to the middle and inner ear. Middle Ear. The tympanic membrane is the border between the external acoustic meatus of the outer ear and the middle ear.
External Ear Anatomy Image