In this remote controlled switch circuit we are using TV remote to ON/OFF the AC light by pressing any button of remote, and using the TSOP1738 at receiver end. Receiver circuit is connected to AC appliance via Relay, so that we can control the light remotely.
Home » Mitsubishi Electric » Mitsubishi Electric Air Conditioner with Remote User Manual Since rotating parts and parts which could cause an electric shock are used in this product, be sure to read these âSafety Precautionsâ before use. Since the cautionary items shown here are important for safety, be sure to observe them.
If we press the Button of IR remote again (second clock pulse), output at Q1 becomes LOW and Q2 becomes HIGH. This will deactivate the Relay and switch off the light. And because Q2 is connected to the RESET pin 15 of 4017, it will reset the IC and again output at Q0 becomes HIGH and Q2 becomes LOW (initial state).