Tendons are fibrous cords that are similar to a rope, attached to muscles and bone. The tendons that control movement in your hands, wrists and fingers run through your forearm. There are 6 tendons that help move your wrist. The wrist tendons are: Flexor carpi radialis: This tendon is one of two tendons that bend the wrist.
There are 6 tendons that help move your wrist. The wrist tendons are: Flexor carpi radialis: This tendon is one of two tendons that bend the wrist. It attaches to the base of the second and third hand bones. It also attaches to the trapezium, one of your wrist bones.
1 Extensor carpi radialis brevis: This is one of 3 tendons (along with the next two on this list) that work together to bend back the wrist. … 2 Extensor carpi radialis longus: This is the second tendon that works to bend back the wrist. … 3 Extensor carpi ulnaris: This tendon works with the ECRB and ECRL to straighten the wrist. …
Wrist Tendons Anatomy