The stepwise approach for managing asthma in youths =12 years of age and adults is depicted in Figure 3. Step 1 therapy consists of a SABA prn. Since the patient has only intermittent symptoms, this is the only treatment necessary. For patients with mild persistent asthma, the patient should take a low-dose ICS daily and SABA prn.
If your asthma is well controlled for at least 3 months, you may go down 1 step. Going down a step means your doctor will try a lower dose or cutting out a drug to see if your asthma stays under control. 1 In general, the types of asthma control medicines prescribed for the 6 steps of asthma severity include: 1
The Expert Panel recommendations specify that treatment must be individualized in a ‘stepwise’ fashion. The guidelines note that “The stepwise approach is meant to help, not replace, the clinical decision making needed to meet individual patient needs.”
Stepwise Approach For Managing Asthmatures Image Diagram - Chart - diagrams and charts with labels. This diagram depicts Stepwise Approach For Managing Asthmatures Image