When a person comes in with a cosmetic complaint only about the bunion and a 0/10 on a pain scale, I warn them that they may have an occasional minor 1/10 pain after surgery. While there is a small chance of this, this is a concern.
Operation time for bunion surgery is usually less than one hour, but may be longer based on what procedures are being performed. In the vast majority of cases, one foot is operated on at a time. A second surgery is scheduled if a patient requires bunion surgery on their other foot.
The most obvious sign is a bulging lump on the joint. It might hurt and be swollen or red. It also can make it hard to move your toes, especially your big toe. Conditions that make your joints swell and hurt, like rheumatoid arthritis, can lead to bunions. Shoes that don’t fit well can, too, especially if they cramp your toes.
Diagram Of Post Op Ray Of Painful Bunion Thumb Image Diagram - Chart - diagrams and charts with labels. This diagram depicts Diagram Of Post Op Ray Of Painful Bunion Thumb Image