Heart Box Diagram Image

The boxes are numbered to correlate with the labeled chambers on the cartoon diagram. Image: Diagram of the heart showing the 4 chambers. We will be using the 4 boxes to represent the chambers of the heart.

We now have a 2×2 table in which we can label the boxes/chambers of the heart. Box 1: The first box is located in the right upper region. We know the atria are on top, and since box 1 is located on the right side, this is the right atrium. Box 2: The second box is also located on the right side, but now we are in the lower region.

Box 1: The first box is located in the right upper region. We know the atria are on top, and since box 1 is located on the right side, this is the right atrium. Box 2: The second box is also located on the right side, but now we are in the lower region.

Heart Box Diagram Image Diagram - Chart - diagrams and charts with labels. This diagram depicts Heart Box Diagram Image

Heart Box Diagram Image