How To Incorporate Figs In Pregnancy Diet? 1 Fresh Is The Best: It is always more beneficial to eat fresh fruits as it is during pregnancy. 2 Dried Figs Are Easy To Carry: You can store some dried figs in your handbag. 3 Salad: You can enhance the nutrition level of your salads by adding fig into it.
Melasma, a condition in which brown patches (skin pigmentation) appear on the face, is an annoying issue many expecting mothers face. Figs contain a chemical called Psoralens, which is beneficial in treating many skin pigmentation problems, including melasma during pregnancy.
While most (88%) physicians and midwives had heard of listeriosis, few (18%) were aware that infection was more common during pregnancy. One-third (33%) of practitioners counseled pregnant women about the risk factors for listeriosis.