Large Lumbar Herniated Disc

This human anatomy diagram with labels depicts and explains the details and or parts of the Large Lumbar Herniated Disc. Human anatomy diagrams and charts show internal organs, body systems, cells, conditions, sickness and symptoms information and/or tips to ensure one lives in good health.

A lumber herniated disc is the most common cause of sciatica, leg pain along the sciatic nerve down the back of the leg. These are some general characteristics of lumbar herniated disc pain:

Most disk herniations happen in the lower lumbar spine, especially between the fourth and fifth lumbar vertebrae and between the fifth lumbar vertebra and the first sacral vertebra (the L4-5 and L5-S1 levels). What causes lumbar disk disease? Lumbar disk disease is caused by a change in the structure of the normal disk.

This can cause pain, weakness, numbness, or changes in sensation. Most disk herniations happen in the lower lumbar spine, especially between the fourth and fifth lumbar vertebrae and between the fifth lumbar vertebra and the first sacral vertebra (the L4-5 and L5-S1 levels). What causes lumbar disk disease?

Large Lumbar Herniated Disc

Large Lumbar Herniated Disc Bc Image
