These are thick-rimmed glasses that wrap around your head in order to reduce your eyes’ exposure to fog and external moisture, thus limiting your susceptibility to the symptoms of dry eye syndrome. According to the former-microbiologist-turned-health-journalist, Bryn Nelson, dry eye syndrome can quite literally ruin some people’s lives.
If the tests show you have dry eye, your doctor can recommend treatment. In a slit lamp test, your eye doctor will use a microscope called a slit lamp to see if your eyes are making enough tears. First, they’ll put a drop in your eye that will make your tears easier to see.
Feder said to beware of potential underlying conditions when dry eye is accompanied by the following symptoms: Fullness and/or tenderness in the superotemporal eyelid—the area of the lacrimal gland—should trigger consideration of dacryoadenitis, either postviral or associated with inflammatory disorders such as sarcoidosis.
Dry Eye Label Image