An accessory navicular bone is an accessory bone of the foot that occasionally develops inside of the foot. Home Foot and Ankle Conditions Symptoms Finder Resources American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons
Symptomatic accessory navicular bones may appear as a ‘hot spot’ on bone scan and on MRI bone marrow edema can be seen. Acute pain can be managed by corticosteroid injection and immobilization of the foot for 2-3 weeks. For refractory cases, surgical management can be considered. It is thought to have been first described by Bauhin in 1605 6.
The accessory navicular can be associated with a normal foot posture and alignment, or sometimes with a flat (pes planus) foot. An initial assessment in an orthopaedic office begins with a thorough history and complete physical exam, including an assessment of the posterior tibial tendon and areas of tenderness.
Foot Accessory Navicular Anat Image Diagram - Chart - diagrams and charts with labels. This diagram depicts Foot Accessory Navicular Anat Image