Ankle Sprains Diagram Image

Bruising and swelling are common signs of a sprained ankle. If there is severe tearing of the ligaments, you might also hear or feel a “pop” when the sprain occurs.

Most sprained ankles occur in the lateral ligaments on the outside of the ankle. Sprains can range from tiny tears in the fibers that make up the ligament to complete tears through the tissue.

Sprains are graded based on how much damage has occurred to the ligaments. If the doctor moves the ankle in certain ways, there is an abnormal looseness of the ankle joint If the doctor pulls or pushes on the ankle joint in certain movements, substantial instability occurs

Ankle Sprains Diagram Image Diagram - Chart - diagrams and charts with labels. This diagram depicts Ankle Sprains Diagram Image

Ankle Sprains Diagram Image

Ankle Sprains Adam Image

A sprained ankle occurs when the ligaments are forced beyond their normal range of motion. Most sprained ankles involve injuries to the ligaments on the outer side of the ankle. Treatment for a sprained ankle depends on the severity of the injury.

Sprained ankle. Diagnosis. During a physical, your doctor will examine your ankle, foot and lower leg. The doctor will touch the skin around the injury to check for points of tenderness and move your foot to check the range of motion and to understand what positions cause discomfort or pain.

In the case of a severe sprain, a cast or walking boot may be necessary to immobilize the ankle while it heals. Once the swelling and pain is lessened enough to resume movement, your doctor will ask you to begin a series of exercises to restore your ankle’s range of motion, strength, flexibility and stability.

Ankle Sprains Adam Image Diagram - Chart - diagrams and charts with labels. This diagram depicts Ankle Sprains Adam Image

Ankle Sprains Adam Image

Ankle Sprains Types1 Image

This is the most common type of ankle sprain and is characterized by moderate pain in addition to swelling, bruising, and some difficulty with movement. Third degree sprains occur when the ligament has torn completely. This is the most severe type of sprain, and typically involves immense pain, swelling, loss of motion, and joint instability.

Bruising and swelling are common signs of a sprained ankle. If there is severe tearing of the ligaments, you might also hear or feel a “pop” when the sprain occurs.

Most sprained ankles occur in the lateral ligaments on the outside of the ankle. Sprains can range from tiny tears in the fibers that make up the ligament to complete tears through the tissue.

Ankle Sprains Types1 Image Diagram - Chart - diagrams and charts with labels. This diagram depicts Ankle Sprains Types1 Image

Ankle Sprains Types1 Image

Inversion And Eversion Sprains Image

For example, an inversion ankle sprain means that the foot’s sole turned medially in excess, causing injury to the ligaments on the lateral side of the foot. Eversion ankle sprains have the sole of the foot turning laterally in excess, causing injury to the deltoid ligaments on the medial side.

Unfortunately, as eversion sprains a less common (only 10% of sprains) it is harder to get good images of them. However, as you can hopefully see in an eversion sprain the ankle is rolled outwards stretching the inside of your foot. In eversion sprains, the inner ligaments, or the Medial or Deltoid ligaments,…

Eversion ankle sprains have the sole of the foot turning laterally in excess, causing injury to the deltoid ligaments on the medial side. Take a free inversion vs eversion quiz to test your knowledge, or review our inversion vs eversion video.

Inversion And Eversion Sprains Image Diagram - Chart - diagrams and charts with labels. This diagram depicts Inversion And Eversion Sprains Image

Inversion And Eversion Sprains Image

Ankle Sprains Types Image

There are two different basic classifications of ankle sprains: Anatomic (the level severity of damage to tissues in the ankle) and functional (the level an injury affects a patient’s ability to walk or put weight on the ankle). Grade II ankle sprain – partial tearing of one or several of these ligaments

Bruising and swelling are common signs of a sprained ankle. If there is severe tearing of the ligaments, you might also hear or feel a “pop” when the sprain occurs.

High ankle sprains are the least common of the three sprained ankle types, occurring when the ligaments in the upper portion of the ankle are twisted during rotational movements of the leg and foot.

Ankle Sprains Types Image Diagram - Chart - diagrams and charts with labels. This diagram depicts Ankle Sprains Types Image

Ankle Sprains Types Image