For example, an inversion ankle sprain means that the foot’s sole turned medially in excess, causing injury to the ligaments on the lateral side of the foot. Eversion ankle sprains have the sole of the foot turning laterally in excess, causing injury to the deltoid ligaments on the medial side.
Unfortunately, as eversion sprains a less common (only 10% of sprains) it is harder to get good images of them. However, as you can hopefully see in an eversion sprain the ankle is rolled outwards stretching the inside of your foot. In eversion sprains, the inner ligaments, or the Medial or Deltoid ligaments,…
Eversion ankle sprains have the sole of the foot turning laterally in excess, causing injury to the deltoid ligaments on the medial side. Take a free inversion vs eversion quiz to test your knowledge, or review our inversion vs eversion video.
Inversion And Eversion Sprains Image Diagram - Chart - diagrams and charts with labels. This diagram depicts Inversion And Eversion Sprains Image