The types of diabetes mellitus (diabetes) in children are similar to those in adults, but psychosocial problems are different and can complicate treatment. Type 1 diabetes is the most common type in children, accounting for two thirds of new cases in children of all ethnic groups. It is one of the most common chronic childhood diseases, …
Recently, type 2 diabetes has increasingly been reported in children and adolescents, so much so that in some parts of the world type 2 diabetes has become the main type of diabetes in children. The global rise of childhood obesity and physical inactivity is widely believed to play a crucial role.
Type 2 diabetes in children may develop so gradually that there are no noticeable symptoms. Sometimes, the disorder is diagnosed during a routine check-up. Other children might experience: Increased thirst and frequent urination. Excess sugar building up in your child’s bloodstream pulls fluid from tissues.
Diabetes Mellitus In Children Image Diagram - Chart - diagrams and charts with labels. This diagram depicts Diabetes Mellitus In Children Image