T1 Vertebra

This human anatomy diagram with labels depicts and explains the details and or parts of the T1 Vertebra. Human anatomy diagrams and charts show internal organs, body systems, cells, conditions, sickness and symptoms information and/or tips to ensure one lives in good health.

The T1 vertebra is the first (uppermost) of the twelve (12) thoracic vertebrae that make up the central and largest section of the spinal column between the lumbar vertebrae below and the cervical vertebrae above. While larger than the C7 vertebra above it, the T1 is the smallest of the thoracic vertebrae.

The T1 vertebra is the first (uppermost) of the twelve (12) thoracic vertebrae that make up the central and largest section of the spinal column between the lumbar vertebrae below and the cervical vertebrae above. While larger than the C7 vertebra above it, the T1 is the smallest of the thoracic vertebrae.

The second vertebra in the thoracic spine is responsible for helping to support the rib cage. The T2 vertebra possesses facets that create joints with two of the ribs, thus helping to keep the thoracic spine far more stable than the cervical spine in the neck or the lumbar spine in the lower back.

T1 Vertebra

t1 vertebra